The Future of Web Design & Development
In 2016, we correctly predicted which web design trends would be popular in 2018. Here’s what you need to know now to prepare for 2020.
“What separates design from art is that design is meant to be functional.”
― Cameron Moll
The Internet has revolutionized the way we communicate and consume information.
We use the Internet to access data, explore opportunities, and make connections that would be otherwise impossible. Websites like Google, Reddit, Yahoo, and YouTube are prolific because of the information they provide and the communications they facilitate.
The websites of the future will continue to break down walls and push the limits of our imaginations.
5 Website Trends that will Takeover by 2020
1. Mobile-First
Long gone are the days when we had to sit down at a desktop computer to access the internet. With new and impressive mobile technology (smart phones, iPads, wearable technology, etc) hitting the market regularly, consumers have access to the internet anywhere, anytime. As mobile internet usage has been steadily increasing over the years while desktop declines, most companies recognize the NEED for a responsive website. Now that over 60% of web traffic is coming from mobile devices, many industry leaders are opting for mobile-first design over responsive.
Mobile-first design takes your site beyond simply working on mobile devices to offer a truly tailored mobile experience. By 2020, there will be no place for websites that are not catering to their mobile audience.
Responsive Web Design vs. Mobile-First Web Design
2. Accessibility
Accessible websites are designed to work with assistive technologies, like screen readers, to give users with disabilities access to the same products, information, services that are available to everyone. Your website should not require users to hear, see, or utilize a mouse. If it does, you may be alienating up to 20% of potential users. Additionally, The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability and ensures “equal enjoyment” of goods and services available at public accommodations – including websites. This means that legally, your website must be accessible to everyone.
If you wait till 2020 to upgrade to an accessible website, it will be too late. By 2020, accessibility will be the expected standard across the internet.
3. Minimalism
Microsoft has reported that the average person has an attention span of 8 seconds, which is 1 second less than a goldfish’s. Consumers are constantly being fed new information faster than ever before, and in such a time-scarce age, we’re trying to take it in faster (and in greater volumes) than ever before too. As content has become increasingly “skimmable”, it’s logical that design will follow suit.
Websites will still feature increasingly unique and intricate capabilities, but designers will find new and creative ways to use the design to supplement the content (or vice-versa) instead of equally emphasizing all aspects. I predict minimalism will be a major design trend in 2020.
4. Dynamic Content
In the context of web design and development, dynamic content refers to content on a website that changes depending on user interactions. This means that two people visiting the exact same webpage might see completely different content based on things like what they did last time they were on the page, what time of day it is, or where they are located. Facebook is an example of a dynamic website.
Obviously dynamic content is not new, but it is not being used to its fullest potential. Social sites are most commonly taking advantage of this feature, while most every other website has widely ignored it. In 2020, I predict that more websites will be optimizing this concept to revolutionize target marketing and enhance user experience.
5. Security
Long gone are the days when security was optional unless you were taking payments through your website. Thanks to the blunders of big corporations like Facebook, consumers are paying more attention now than ever before to where they spend their time on the Internet. We expect to see that green padlock in the URL address bar on every website we visit. Not only does the padlock (or lack there of) signal a safe website, its evolved into a symbol of trust that has the potential to reflect positively (or negatively) on a business – even beyond their presence on the web. We can thank Google for this.
What’s the Difference Between HTTP & HTTPS?
This is happening now, but it doesn’t end here. Advances in cryptography, specifically encryption and blockchain technology, are revolutionizing security. I predict that by 2020, blockchain will be used to protect most of our data whether we know it or not. However, we probably will know it – and expect it. Security is not the trend; security is a necessity. The trend is rising consumer awareness and concern.
The future of the internet is being influenced by new technology, changing social dynamics, and the coming-of-age of a generation of digital natives. In 2020, these trends will be commonplace. The trend setters, those with their eye on the future, will begin implementing these ideas now.