A functioning business is one thing, but a thriving business is another. Implementation of these applications has the potential to exponentially increase the efficiency and productivity of your organization’s internal operations.
Microsoft Office 365
Purpose: Cloud-based productivity suite
Microsoft is arguably the quintessential business software standard around the globe. If you’ve touched a computer, chances are you’ve interacted with a Microsoft application. Released in 1990 and available in over 100 languages, Microsoft has grown to encompass not only word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations but also email database management, project coordination, data storage, project collaboration, and more. It’s truly your all-in-one business productivity suite.
Microsoft Office is a suite of tools comprised of 8 applications – Outlook, OneDrive, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote, SharePoint, and Microsoft Teams. All applications are available on desktop and mobile so you can access your information and projects on any device. The company has turned from selling directly to individuals to relationship-based selling. You are now able to buy subscriptions from Microsoft certified partners.
With a new strategy focused on relationship building… Microsoft can offer each and every customer a personalized, streamlined, and consistent experience across channels. Customers’ self-service explorations through product information can lead seamlessly into a conversation with a seller who has, at their fingertips, the skills and information they need to answer questions, and offer suggestions designed to solve the business problem the customer is trying to solve. – Microsoft
Interested in learning more about how your business can benefit from Microsoft Office? Intellithought is a Microsoft Silver Certified Partner, and we’d be happy to answer any of your questions.
Google Analytics
Purpose: Cloud-based tool that helps track, analyze, and understand website analytics, SEO, and Google Adwords
Google is a powerhouse in the tech community, (Google Chrome is the most popular web browser) and their Google Analytics service is a powerful tool that all businesses with any online presence should be paying attention to. The service has been available since 2005 and gives users access to valuable information regarding site traffic and engagement including demographics, page data, keyword performance, user acquisition, user behavior, and more.
Why is website analytics essential to growing a business? Analytic reports help business owners test theories, understand their customer experience, and provide actionable data that can help define plans and predictions. Time is the most valuable resource for any person or organization, and Google Analytics helps save time and mitigates wasted costs on inaccurate marketing assumptions.
Purpose: SaaS-based system for time-tracking, billing, and project management
If you’re managing multiple employees within an organization, you’ll find out quickly that tracking time and expenses are cumbersome tasks. BigTime offers a streamlined solution with features like time and expense tracking, resource allocation, invoicing, billing, and reports to help measure the profitability of projects or individual staff members. BigTime is a useful tool for organizations across all industries including Finance, Technology, Legal Services, Engineering and more.
Staff members manage their own timesheet and expenses. Once their timesheet and expenses are submitted through a secure, online portal, an administrator can review and approve or deny the time entries. This helps cut down on unnecessary or inaccurate company time and costs. It doesn’t stop there, the service can also be integrated with ticketing solutions like Quickbooks, Slack, Zapier, and more. The software is available as a web application on all web browsers and there is an app for Andriod and iOS devices.
The Bottom Line
Now more than ever, businesses are able to streamline and scale their internal operations to achieve success. There are many ways to improve internal efficiency. The first step is to understand and utilize the resources available to you. If you need help streamlining or automating a process, improving or creating an intranet, or integrating a new software into an existing process, Intellithought can help.